I am NOT into "subscription software" by any means (lifelong disability with neurodiversity/Aspergers', and out of work since September 2008) as it's not affordable, even on Social Security Retirement (started on it in April 2020). One question, though.as ISO files ARE a great way tor e-install an application quickly, that "keycard" method of purchasing MS Office 2019 mentioned at Newegg's page MIGHT not allow saving an important "office app" like that as an ISO file for quick re-install if it was ever needed. I HAVE been a longtime user of MS Office 2007's Word and Excel applications, but as those are NO longer supported by Microsoft, since the time of the SSD crash back on the seventh, I HAVE seriously been thinking of acquiring a copy of MS Office 2019 for Home and Student, at Newegg's page for it. I've got a number of ISO files for re-installing applications for such a disaster - currently with DesignCAD v.25 64-bit, AutoCAD 2009 LT (usually installed with Longbow Software's "Converter" installation manager in Win10 X64), and other titles. My data is always stored on a conventional hard drive, usually lettered "E:", so the SSD drive crash couldn't take IT out as well. The "old" SSD was a Samsung half-terabyte capacity drive, holding my 250 GB C: volume for Windows 10 X64 (version 1903), and a similar-capacity D: drive for applications. DaveC here - after having a disastrous solid-state disk crash back on May 7 with my Win10 X64 CAD desktop, now I've GOT to re-install ALL my applications and fonts, which COULD take quite a long time.